
Rashmi Priya
"When life seems all knotted up, try to untie one knot at a time. Untying one eases the rest. You only need to recognize which knot to untie first!"


Testimonial Person
Rashmi as our growth partner, coached the managers and helped them move from ‘doing’ to ‘getting done, ‘always fire fighting’ to ‘delegating effectively’ and from being ‘managers to being ‘young leaders’. There is a visible change in their proactiveness, maturity to handle challenges, confidence, people management capabilities and has set the ball positively rolling for these managers to become next level leaders for the organization.

Rubina Khajurwala, Group Head People Practices, Crest Ventures Ltd.

Rashmi personifies the saying a good coach can change a game but a great coach can change a life. She has been a great coach and a trusted partner whose guidance, patience and continued encouragement helped me explore and believe in my potential. Its amazing how far one can go when someone believes in you. Will always be grateful for her valuable investment in me and influencing my life for the better!

HR Leader, Investment Banking firm.

Being an eternal overthinker, decision making was a tormenting task for me, especially when it came to personal relationships. I took up coaching sessions with Rashmi to get clarity on what I actually want in that situation and take a decision that’s true to my heart’s desire and long term stability. Rashmi’s calm, non-biased and objective presence made all the difference. She allows you the space to be fully raw and authentic with your true thoughts, desires, emotions and intentions. Her non-judgmental approach really helped me to extract and observe what is happening in the depths of my mind and from there she would nudge me to explore all options and make a suitable choice. She was highly committed to getting me the results I wanted and would even make time for SOS calls during the transformation process. She is one of the very few coach that I would trust myself to open up to and guide my actions. She’s genuine & awesome! Thank you Rashmi 🙂

HR Leader, Industrial Trade, Singapore.

Rashmi thank you so much for offering such a wonderful service to me. You’re a great coach and I deeply value the time we’ve spent together which helps me bring my vision to life. I have a feeling of peace, calm and confidence to push myself to be where I want to be. It has been an amazing journey and thank you again for encouraging and motivating me.

HR manager, Retail Industry.

I started working with Rashmi in the year 2020 for challenges I was facing in my personal and professional life. I felt I was stuck in the cycle of pessimistic and repetitive thoughts and feelings which inhibited my growth, happiness and success. I was looking for a transition and Rashmi, with her coaching helped me set up weekly goals for myself and explore different interests and avenues in professional manner. She has the unique ability to focus on the bigger goal while at the same time paying close attention to smaller details to help you make sense of it and tie it beautifully to the end objective. I admire the way she conducts her sessions providing great clarity, empathy and finesse while displaying acute sensitivity to the person’s emotions and experiences. Our session were always very productive with clear goals being set every week that needed to be worked on prior to the next session. She kept me accountable to my actions which is important for a person like me who needs to be nudged to take out time to work on myself. Making a transition is NOT EASY and I was able to face my daemons and move forward to the next chapter of my life. Rashmi has an incredibly positive spirit and drives excellence as a personal growth coach. I am very grateful to have found her.

Business Development Head, Consulting Firm.

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